Monday, 24 February 2014

Monday Me

I’ve got a bit of a confession to make. Despite being one of Topshop’s biggest fans (for all of my sins) I’ve never dabbled into their make-up range. It wasn’t that I had heard bad reviews, quite the opposite, I just think I kind of forgot about it. Either that or I’m so busy trying to pay before I spot something else I just *have* to have that I miss it. However, when I read reviews about their Gloss Inks I knew the time had come for my first purchase, and boy am I pleased.

There’s a lot of those products about which aim to provide a high colour stain pay-off and that look of gloss. They smell nice, not particularly sweet or fruity which is a perk. They are slightly sticky, but I don’t think that you can expect to get a long-staying gloss without a little bit of stickiness.

I opted for Sloe Gin (above), a deep pink and Cruel (top)  a deep burgundy red

I went out this weekend for an overdue catch up with my friend, and saw it as the perfect opportunity to wear one of my new favourites. I opted for Sloe Gin as I’d gone for a smoky eye. 

Becs x

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